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I assume you're on a 10-week cut.

10 weeks, cut fat, keep muscle. This is the fun part, but it's mentally tougher.


Create a large calorie deficit while eating 200 grams of protein per day. This will cause your body to eat its own fat to make up for the deficit.

If you can create a 1,200 calorie deficit, you can cut 1/3 lb per day.

Your body is better at eating fat when in ketosis. So, it's much easier just do strict keto.


You should duplicate & adapt this Google Sheet. Change the boxes in yellow.

The basic idea is:

  • Lift 4x
  • Cardio 6x, but mix it up

I listen to audiobooks while rucking, and sometimes also while lifting. It makes this more enjoyable.

Guy holding barbell outside


  • Be patient, work in 6-month phases. Build muscle for 10+ weeks, then cut fat for 10+ weeks.

  • Always eat 200g protein / day. You will have to supplement with protein powder for this.

  • Re-arrange your environment if possible.

  • Make a specific plan.

  • Change your mindset on suffering. Stop focusing on the destination, become the type of person who enjoys discipline.

  • Consistency is king; this requires resolve.

  • You will always have injuries. Adapt.